Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cherry Blossoms

A friend at work wanted a card for her sister to celebrate the birth of the first grandchild. Something soft, delicate and pink was called for. She didn't want a baby card as it was for the grand parents so that ruled out all my baby themed stamps.
I used a Penny Black brushstrokes stamp with a Glue pad. This was the first time I had used the glue pad and was dubious about how it would work. Well, I can now say, the glue pads are great. Chalk sticks, glitter sticks and pearl ex sticks to the stamped image. For this card, I brushed on pink, brown and green chalks to create the softly coloured image. It was then layered to pink and white card and finished with a die cut and embossed butterfly (Cuttlebug)

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